EICC – EUROCHAMBRES High Level Conference
9 December 2010, Brussels

Building a New Paradigm for EU-India Relations through Enhancing Trade and Investment.

On the eve of 11th annual EU-India Business Summit, a high level Conference on “Building a New Paradigm for EU- India Relations through Enhancing Trade and Investment” is being organized by the Europe India Chamber of Commerce[EICC] in partnership with EUROCHAMBRES. The Conference will be held on 9 December 2010, in the European Parliament in Brussels. The Conference takes place during the Belgian Presidency of the European Union and being organized to add to the importance to the Business Summit. The Conference will discuss the broader side of the trade related issues such as regulatory and legal framework, taxation policies, corporate tax and incentives in India and Europe. This event will serve as a key platform offering an unparalleled access to a full spectrum of industry leaders, business executives, policy makers and representatives of the European Commission to share their views on issues related to trade and investment. The forum will provide an opportunity for the delegates to access important presentations, engage in discussions and network with specialists across a range of topical issues. Nearly 150 participants and over 15 high-level speakers are expected to address the conference.

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Session 1
Realizing Potentials: New Paradigm in Facilitating Trade and Investment between the EU and India

 Mr. Mr Poul Jensen, Director, EBTC   (Special Presentation on European Business and Technology Centre Presentation)

Mr. Dilip Mehta, CEO, Rosy Blue Group ( Market access issues in India Presentation)

Mr. Rajdeep Sahrawat, General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Tata Consultancy Services (Market access issues in the EU Presentation)

Mr. Dileep Patil,CEO, CG Power System Belgium (Concluding Remarks Presentation)
Session 2
Identifying Factors: Changes Needed in Investment Policies to Enhance Trade and Capital Flows between the EU and India

Mr. Ravi Mehrotra, CBE, Chairman Foresight Limited and Co- Chairman, EICC (Chair Presentation)

Dr. Daniel Sharma, DLA Piper (Indo-European cross-border M&A: recent developments and challenges Presentation)

Mr. Philippe Péters, Partner, NautaDutilh (Investing in Europe: Regulatory considerations including REACH and IP Presentation)

Mr. Thierry Charon, Partner, Loyens & Loeff (EU Imports and Customs: Top 5 issues you should keep in mind Presentation)

Session 3

Dr. Ajit S Shetty, Chairman, Janssen Pharmaceutica