The Europe India Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit trade association formed to promote, develop and otherwise further the trade and economic cooperation between the countries of the European Union and India. The business of the organization is managed by the Secretary General under the direction and cooperation of the EICC Board of Directors. Members of the board affirm their endorsement of the code and acknowledge their commitment to uphold its principles and obligations by accepting and retaining membership on the board as the code of conduct serves as guiding principles for the development of the Chamber as well as for the future conduct for organization in a more orderly way.

The Code of Conduct adopted by the Board of Directors is intended to provide guidance to the directors to help them recognize and deal with ethical issues, provide mechanisms to report possible unethical conduct, and foster a culture of honesty, accountability, integrity, transparency, and pursuit for excellence. Each director must comply not only with the terms, but also the intent, of this Code. The adoption of an appropriate Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors is a further step in the application of best practice in relation to the governance in the EICC.

The rules of conduct spelled out in this code are therefore based on the principles enshrined in the Statute of the EICC, its Rules of Procedure governing the organization activity, as well as on other general pertinent principles. consistent with its values and beliefs, The Code does not attempt to be comprehensive or cover all possible situations but encourages the board members to take positive actions, which are not only commensurate with the values and beliefs, but are also perceived to be so. EICC expects its board members to implement the Code in its true spirit and in case of any doubt or confusion, to consult the Honorary Chairman, Co-Chairmen and Secretary General as relevant. The principles outlined here are intended to set principles and parameters for the governance of the chamber. In this context, the members of the board shall at all times abide by and conform to the following code of conduct in their capacity as board members:

  1. Each member of the board of directors will abide in all respects by the EICC Members’ Code of Ethics and all other rules and regulations of the Chamber (including but not limited to the association’s articles of incorporation) and will ensure that their membership (or the membership of the entity for which they serve as director in the association remains in good standing at all times.
  2. In performing their functions, the directors shall act honestly, diligently and in good faith and integrity in all their dealings with and for the Chamber.
  3. Directors should maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the chamber and any other confidential information about the chamber that comes to them, except when disclosure is authorized by the Honorary Chairman, Co-Chairmen and Secretary General. For purposes of this Code, “confidential information” includes all nonpublic or proprietary information relating to the Chamber.
  4. Not use any confidential information obtained by them in the course of their official duty, whether from the chamber or otherwise, for personal gain, or use/ allow the use of such information for the financial benefit for any other person or any other chamber. The Directors may co-operate with other Association by sharing physical, human and management resources as long as it does not adversely affect object and functions of the Chamber.
  5. The Board Members must disclose directorships of any other Chamber being held by them to the Board on an annual basis and as and when there is a change therein.
  6. Not engage in any business, relationship or activity, which might detrimentally conflict with the interest of the Chamber.
  7. Members of the board of directors will conduct the business affairs of the association in good faith and with honesty, integrity, due diligence, and reasonable competence.
  8. No member of the board of directors other than Honorary Chairman, Co-Chairmen and Secretary General shall make any press statement or issue any press release on behalf of the chamber without prior permission of the Honorary Chairman, Co-Chairmen and Secretary General.
  9. No board member shall share, copy, reproduce, transmit, divulge or otherwise disclose any confidential information related to the affairs of the Chamber and each member of the board will uphold the strict confidentiality of all meetings and other deliberations and communications of the board of directors.
  10. No member of the board of directors will use any information provided by the association or acquired as a consequence of the board member’s service to the association in any manner other than in furtherance of his or her board duties. Further, no member of the board of directors will misuse association’s name or resources and will at all times and keep the association’s interest secure.
  11. The board of directors will dedicate itself to leading by example in serving the needs of the Chamber and its members and also in representing the interests and ideals of the Chamber at large.
  12. The board of directors must act at all times in the best interests of the Chamber and not for personal or third-party gain or financial enrichment.
  13. Board Members will act in the best interests of, and fulfill their fiduciary obligations to the Chamber; act honestly, fairly, ethically and with integrity; conduct themselves in a professional, courteous and respectful manner and not take improper advantage of their position and act in a manner that harms the reputation of the Chamber.
  14. Every Member shall, in his or her business conduct, comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both in letter and in spirit, in all the territories in which he or she operates.